Murang’a University of Technology Chancellor, Council, Vice Chancellor, Management Board, Senate, Staff, Students and Alumni, extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of the late retired President, all Kenyans, and the International Community, who share this pain and grief.
The late President touched every Kenyan’s heart in one way or another during his lifetime. His most notable years, besides being a formidable opposition leader, were his 10-year reign as the Head of State of the Republic of Kenya.
President Kibaki will be remembered for his vision and for making Kenya almost a debt-free Country, that was self-sustaining.
His impact in the education sector is unmatched to date, with the enactment of the Universities Act 2012, granting of charters to more than two dozen public and private universities and heavily funding public universities for infrastructural expansion in order to increase access to university education; and the introduction of sustainable free primary education for all.
The vision of universal free education, as espoused in Vision 2030, Constituency Development Fund and the infrastructural agenda directly impacted each Kenyan household, elevating many from abject poverty and reduced the Country’s dependence on donor aid.
A true statesman, probably comparable only to Abraham Lincoln, Mzee Kibaki’s presidency was transformational, visionary, focused and patriotic.
He has left behind a tangible legacy on good governance, impeccable management of public affairs, and a transformed economy and democracy.
To the people of Othaya Constituency who embraced Hon. Mwai Kibaki as their leader, by electing him to Parliament from 1974 to 2002, we thank you for giving Kenya a great leader.
The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.